User GuideπŸ“„ Settings

Merchant Settings

API Keys

  • API keys can be viewed in the [API Keys] section
  • Keys are hidden by default, click the icon to toggle show/hide
  • Security Tip: Keep your API keys safe, leakage may result in asset loss!

Basic Settings

Language Settings

Choose the default display language for the checkout page in [Language Settings].

Merchant Email

Bind or modify your email address in the [Merchant Email] section.

Change Password

  1. Enter old password in the [Merchant Password] field
  2. Enter and confirm new password
  3. Click [Confirm] button to save changes

Security Settings

Google 2FA

For account security, we recommend enabling Google Authenticator:

  1. Download Google Authenticator app
  2. Click [Bind] in [Merchant Settings] - [Google Authenticator]
  3. Scan QR code with the app
  4. Enter verification code and click [Bind Now]

β€œGoogle Authenticator Bound” will be displayed after successful binding.